Early Retirees can Reduce Their Health Insurance Premiums

You will need to have your own health insurance until you are eligible for Medicare. This can be costly. The Affordable Care Act may be a great help. However, you must manage your income in …

You will need to have your own health insurance until you are eligible for Medicare. This can be costly. The Affordable Care Act may be a great help. However, you must manage your income in order to qualify for subsidies. These are three ways to make it happen.

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was created to make insurance more affordable and more equitable, eliminated pre-existing conditions requirements and tied income to federal subsidies for health insurance, is intended to make it easier and more affordable. If your income is below certain thresholds, these subsidies will be triggered when you buy health insurance through either the federal healthcare exchange at healthcare.gov, or a state-run insurance exchange. There were 15 state-run exchanges in 2021 that served residents of these specific states. All other people are served by the federal ACA Marketplace exchange.

Strategy #1: Delayed Social Security

Social Security Administration sets a sliding scale that determines how much you receive in Social Security. It is based on your age and how long you have worked. The amount you contribute to Social Security, as well as when you claim. You can start claiming at age 62. However, your monthly payments will increase if you wait until age 70 to claim.

Strategy #2: Limit withdrawals from retirement accounts

Withdrawals from 401(k), IRAs and other similar accounts count towards the income that will determine the amount of your health care subsidy. It is important that you don’t withdraw large amounts from tax-deferred retirement funds if your eligibility for subsidies will be affected if you plan to retire early.

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You can reduce taxes by converting your IRA to a Roth IRA if you have the funds available. Also, this will allow you to take distributions and lower your tax bill. Roth withdrawals don’t count towards income under the ACA, so you can make early withdrawals if you have one.

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Strategy #3: Create a cash cushion

There are many things you can do in the years before retirement to reduce your risk of unexpected medical costs. Any additional savings you have should be directed to the liquid savings account. Consider if there are any capital gains from taxable investments accounts. You should do this at least one year before you plan to retire. You should do the same for any unexpected windfalls you receive, such as a bonus from work, inheritance or gift.

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This is where the idea of liquid savings accounts comes in. It will be used to pay all or most of your expenses during the time period between retirement and when you are eligible for Medicare. This cash cushion is not intended to cover your medical expenses. It is designed to help you live the retirement lifestyle that you envisioned before retiring.

Last words

Retirement health care costs can cause financial problems and headaches. You can maximize the ACA’s health insurance subsidies by delaying Social Security withdrawals and minimizing withdrawals of IRAs and other retirement account accounts. You can start to save money for health-related expenses before you retire. This will help you to cover the time between retirement and the day when Medicaid takes over your healthcare.

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It shouldn’t take away your time, energy, or emotions worrying about whether you can afford all the treatments you need. These are supposed to be moments of enjoyment and relaxation. These headaches can be reduced or eliminated by careful planning.